Position Statement No. 16: Between one wave and another – the current lull should not cause us to relax our vigilance

It is our behavior that will determine how severe the fourth wave of COVID-19 infections will be and whether it will paralyze the health-care system. Therefore, the current lull should not cause us to relax our vigilance.

What will Read more


Position Statement No. 15: The impact of the COVID-19 pandemic on selected minority groups in Poland

People with disabilities, care home residents, refugees, migrants, and those experiencing homelessness account for a total of over 20% of Polish society. The impact of the COVD-19 pandemic on these groups will last significantly longer than the epidemic risk Read more


Position Statement No. 14: The morality of vaccination – On vector vaccines

In the early months of 2020, when the news spread about an outbreak of the dangerous new respiratory disease COVID-19, hundreds research teams began a race against time to develop an effective and safe vaccine. Many of their attempts Read more


Position Statement No. 13: Lessons from the pandemic: strengthen health care, invest in science and education, and build trust

Since the outbreak of the pandemic, many breakthrough discoveries have been made, including the development of the COVID-19 vaccine, which has turned the containment of the pandemic into a realistic goal. In order to accomplish this goal, however, we Read more


Position Statement No. 12: The new normal – There will be no quick return to the pre-pandemic world

The threat of the virus spiraling out of control is real. Fortunately, we already have vaccines and also a fair amount of knowledge at our disposal. However, the implementation of the vaccination program is lengthy and varies enormously on Read more


Position Statement No. 11: Understanding the vaccine – the individual perspective

“Without vaccination, after contracting COVID-19, out of a group of one million people, thirty thousand will not survive. This is approximately the risk of death due to the disease in Poland” – scientists from the COVID-19 Advisory Team to Read more


Position Statement No. 10: Implications of the COVID-19 pandemic for the mental health and education of children and adolescent

One group that is particularly vulnerable to the impact of COVID-19 is children and adolescents. Although they are less susceptible to the severe physical manifestation of the disease caused by the SARS-CoV-2 virus, the psychological and educational effects of Read more


Comments on Position Statement no. 9 “Scenarios for 2021”

Since the publication of our “Scenarios for 2021” we have received numerous questions about which of these scenarios is the most likely. However, it is not possible to provide a clear-cut answer. One of the reasons is that the Read more


Position Statement No. 9: Scenarios for 2021

The year 2020 has just drawn to a close. This is a good time to take stock and to plan for the new year we are now entering. Herein we present hypothetical scenarios for the development of the COVID-19 Read more


Position Statement No. 8: On 21 December 2020, the European Medicines Agency (EMA) announced its evaluation of the vaccine from Pfizer and BioNTech – called Comirnaty – as safe for humans and effective in preventing COVID-19

The vaccine was created based on the mRNA technology developed by the German company BioNTech, which it had already began working on in January 2020, immediately after the publication of the genetic sequence of the SARS-CoV-2 virus.

Preclinical studies Read more


Position Statement No. 7: COVID-19 Advisory Team: Vaccination is the only rational solution which will help us defeat the pandemic

COVID-19 has been devastating the health of millions of people around the globe and causing untold damage to the economy for many months. Teams of researchers have been working tirelessly on developing an effective vaccine since the outbreak of Read more


Position Statement No. 6: COVID-19 Advisory Team Position Statement on the need to change testing strategy

In our ongoing fight against the COVID-19 pandemic, how can we avoid following a “reconnaissance-by-fire” strategy? This statement discusses the need to find a new testing strategy.

Testing for SARS-CoV-2 is one of the fundamental tools in fighting the Read more


Position Statement No. 5: COVID-19 Advisory Team Position Statement on the need of strategy for managing the pandemic in times of social unrest

The pandemic is a major social problem, one which can only be solved through collaboration between the public authorities, a broad range of scientific experts, and the media.

We are still some way off from reaching a scientific breakthrough Read more


Position Statement No. 4: COVID-19 Advisory Team Position Statement on the dangers of trusting in herd immunity

We are all exhausted by our continual battle against the COVID-19 pandemic, on both the individual and social level, therefore the prospect of achieving herd immunity seems like an attractive goal. However, experts agree that in the long term, Read more


COVID-19 Advisory Team in the Polish Senate

On October 19, 2020, the COVID-19 Advisory Team headed by Prof. Jerzy Duszyński, President of the Polish Academy of Sciences, presented its report – “Understanding COVID-19” – in the Senate of the Republic of Poland. Senators and the public Read more


Position Statement No. 3: Urgent Appeal on the Ongoing COVID-19 Crisis

The Interdisciplinary COVID-19 Advisory Team to the President of the Polish Academy of Sciences has just released a series of recommendations that should help prevent the further spread of the pandemic. The Team appeals to employers, healthcare professionals, and Read more


Understanding COVID-19. Report of the COVID-19 Advisory Team at the President of the Polish Academy of Sciences

A report delivered by a team of scientists, working under the supervision of Prof. Jerzy Duszyński, president of the Academy, presents the current state of knowledge about SARS-CoV-2 virus, COVID-19 disease and its medical, psychological, economic and social impacts. Read more


Position Statement No. 2: On students returning to school in September 2020

No one knows what the COVID-19 pandemic in Poland will look like in a few months’ time. No one knows what the COVID-19 pandemic in Poland will look like in a few months’ time.

However, we need to posit Read more


Position Statement No. 1: Pandemic denial is shameful and unethical

In recent days, we have seen an increase in confirmed cases of SARS-CoV-2 infection. It can be expected that the consequence of this will be growing numbers of patients with severe COVID-19 requiring hospital or ICU treatment.

Some of Read more


PAS President appoints an interdisciplinary COVID-19 Advisory Team

Experts will monitor the course of the COVID-19 epidemic in Poland, analyze and predict its possible scenarios and put forward recommendations. They will also develop contacts with similar teams in other countries to exchange experience with them.

Professor Jerzy Read more
