
The Academy has 8 territorial Branches, broadly covering Poland’s regions. They draw together all the Academy Members who live or work in that particular area (or who wish to participate in the activity of that particular branch).

The Branches of the Academy collaborate with all the local scientific institutions in the region, including the Institutes of the Polish Academy of Sciences situated there and also the local universities. They foster cooperation among the local scholarly community and help support the pursuit of research in their region.

A special role is played by the numerous scientific commissions affiliated with the Branches. They supplement the activity of the national-level PAS committees by addressing problems relevant to the given region. They provide advice to local and province-level authorities in resolving specific problems.

The territorial Branches of the Academy serve as a platform for discussion and the exchanging of ideas. They organize conferences and scientific sessions. They conduct publishing and popularization activities. They award prizes to talented researchers, and maintain contacts with NGOs and foreign partners.

The day-to-day activities of each Branch are managed by its Branch President, and decisions are made by its Presidium. The authorities of each Branch are elected for a four-year term. Each Branch has its own set of statutes, which are available (in Polish) from the PAS Public Information Bulletin.

Olsztyn i Białystok