Governing Authorities

The Polish Academy of Sciences functions in a number of capacities simultaneously. It functions both as an elected body of top scholars and as a strong network of scientific institutes. It also educates and supports scientists and scholars. It engages in public debate on important issues and popularizes scientific, evidence-based knowledge. It represents Poland in international organizations.

This complex identity entails a multi-level system of self-governance. The overall directions of the Academy’s activities and development are determined by the General Assembly – composed of all the National Members of the Academy, who gather together in sessions held at least twice a year. In between sessions of the General Assembly, all strategic decisions are made by the elected Presidium of the Academy. This is a narrower group selected to oversee the Academy’s standards of democratic self-governance. In the periods between Presidium meetings, in turn, the day-to-day affairs of the Academy are managed by the elected President of the Academy. The Chancellor, on the other hand, is appointed to manage the work of the various administrative units that comprise the Academy’s Chancellery.

Detailed information about the PAS’s governing bodies is available from our Public Information Bulletin (Polish).

The schedule of meetings of the Polish Academy of Sciences’ collective governing bodies is available here.

The highest body of the Academy is the General Assembly. All National Members of the Academy are entitled to attend its gatherings and hold the right to vote at these gatherings.

Unless otherwise stipulated by statutory law or by the Articles of Association of the Academy, resolutions are adopted by the General Assembly a simple majority of votes, in the presence of at least half of the National Members. When calculating the required quorum, the absence of members who have reached the age of 75 shall not be taken into account.

The General Assembly of the Academy determines the overall directions of the Academy’s development and supervises all of its activities, adopting resolutions in this regard that are binding on other bodies of the Academy.

The General Assembly of the Academy may adopt a position on matters of importance to the Polish nation and state.

The General Assembly of the Academy is chaired by the President of the Academy.

The President of the Academy shall convene sessions of the General Assembly at least twice a year.

At any request submitted by one-fifth of the National Members, the President of the Academy shall convene a session of the General Assembly, no later than 30 days after receiving said request.

Find out more about the individual PAS Members here.

  • Prof. Marek Konarzewski, President of the Academy, Chair of the Presidium, Corresponding Member of the Academy
  • Prof. Andrzej Bartoszewicz, Corresponding Member of the Academy
  • Prof. Andrzej Buko, Corresponding Member of the Academy
  • Prof. Andrzej Ciereszko, Corresponding Member of the Academy
  • Prof. Dariusz Jemielniak, Corresponding Member of the Academy
  • Prof. Janusz Jurczak, Ordinary Member of the Academy
  • Prof. Tomasz Kapitaniak, Ordinary Member of the Academy
  • Prof. Marek Krawczyk, Ordinary Member of the Academy
  • Prof. Krzysztof W. Nowak, Corresponding Member of the Academy
  • Dr. Mirosława Ostrowska, PhD, DSc, Corresponding Member of the Academy
  • Prof. Krzysztof Redlich, Ordinary Member of the Academy
  • Prof. Cezary Sławiński, Corresponding Member of the Academy
  • Prof. Natalia Sobczak, członkini korespondent PAN
  • Prof. Marek Świtoński, Ordinary Member of the Academy
  • Prof. Aleksander Welfe, Ordinary Member of the Academy
  • Prof. Grzegorz Węgrzyn, Corresponding Member of the Academy
  • Dr. Rafał Wierzchosławski, PhD
  • Prof. Andrzej Więcek, Corresponding Member of the Academy
  • Prof. Karol Życzkowski, Corresponding Member of the Academy


Marek Konarzewski

Professor, Corresponding Member of the Academy

Affiliation: University of Białystok

Specialization: biological science 



Dariusz Jemielniak

Professor, Corresponding Member of the Academy

Affiliation: Kozminski University

Specialization: management science 



Mirosława Ostrowska

PhD, DSc, Corresponding Member of the Academy

Affiliation: PAS Institute of Oceanology

Specialization: Earth and environmental science 



Natalia Sobczak

Professor, Corresponding Member of the Academy

Affiliation: PAS Institute of Metallurgy and Materials Engineering

Specialization: materials engineering 



Aleksander Welfe

Professor, Ordinary Member of the Academy

Affiliation: University of Łódź

Specialization: economics and finance 



Monika Kallista
