Scientists designed system identifying dual quality

Can you think of a product that is identically branded but differs significantly in quality or composition depending on the country in which it is sold? A group of researchers including scientists from the PAS Institute of Computer Science developed an artificial intelligence  that will battle dual quality of products.

What you see isn’t always what you get

Dual quality is a practice of selling products (especially food items) under the same name, brand, packaging but of a lower quality depending on the country. Although this practice is illegal within the European Union, almost one in ten products sold in the EU is of dual quality.

Scientists decided to fight against bad practices. A team from the Institute of Computer Science of the Polish Academy of Sciences and the National Information Processing Institute – National Research Institute designed a special IT system – called ANSI –  for this purpose. Its task will be to analyze consumer reviews (regardless the language) published on the Internet to identify products that may vary in quality depending on the market they are sold. The analysis of the data will be used to assess whether the product, suspected of dual quality, should be subjected to additional laboratory testing.

System for double quality testing

As a result, a high-quality database will be developed (a dataset of product names, product reviews, along with a list of laboratories) and a modern information system ready for implementation by the Office of Competition and Consumer Protection.

Work on the implementation of the ANSI system is expected to last until 2025. The system will be developed as part of a project financed by the National Center for Research and Development (NCBR) under the INFOSTRATEG III programme.