“To Poland For Science” – the first Polonium Foundation conference in Poland

On November 4, 2023, together with the Polonium Foundation, we co-organized the first Polonium Foundation conference in Poland, “To Poland for Science.” The meeting – dedicated to scientists from abroad conducting research in Poland – was opened by the Vice President of the Polish Academy of Sciences, Prof. Natalia Sobczak. The special guest of the event, invited by PAN, was Prof. Sudipta Seal from the University of Central Florida, recently a member of the Committee on Materials Engineering and Metallurgy of PAN. Prof. S. Seal delivered a lecture entitled “Exploring Polish-International Academic Partnerships” dedicated to the role of internationalization in science, in which he shared his 30-year experience of cooperation with Prof. N. Sobczak.

The conference was attended by scientists from the USA, UK, Germany, France, Italy, India, Guatemala, Singapore, China, Pakistan, Ukraine, Czech Republic, among others. We had the privilege of enjoying a series of presentations covering various fields of science, participating in a workshop on communication in science, and listening to speeches of research funding agencies in Poland #NCN, # NAWA, #FNP, and the Excellence in Science Department of the Polish Academy of Sciences. 

Opening of the conference “To Poland for Science” by the Vice President of the Polish Academy of Sciences, Prof. Natalia Sobczak

About prof. S. Seal:

Prof. Sudipta Seal joined the University of Central Florida (UCF) in fall 1997 after a postdoctoral work at the University of California, Berkeley. He served as a Director of Advanced Materials Processing Analysis Center, and Nanotechnology Center, currently Chair of newly created the Department of Materials Science and Engineering.

He is the recipient of the Office of Naval Research Young Investigator Award (ONR-YIP), JSPS fellowship, Alexander Von Humboldt Fellow, ASM IIM Lecturer award, Royal Soc of Eng – Visiting Professor, Distinguished Fellowship at Imperial College, UK;  Fellow of FASM, FAAAS, FAVS, FIoN, FAIMBE, FNAI, FECS, FMRS, FRSC, FACERS, etc. He was elected to attend the Frontiers of Eng Symposium by National Academy of Engineering (USA). He is inducted the Florida Hall of Fame of Inventors, elected World Academy Ceramics Academician and a recent recipient of ASM International Albert Sauveur Materials Achievement Award.

Presentation by Prof. Sudipta Seal from University of Central Florida

His research is focused on Nanobiotechnology; Nanomaterials processing and characterization; Surface science and engineering; Materials for optics, sensors, coatings, fuel cells, medicine etc.

At UCF, Prof. Sudipta Seal pioneered nanostructured cerium oxide and other metal/oxide platforms (micro to nano) and discovered its antioxidant properties and applied in various biomedical problems.  He is also involved in plasma based large scale manufacturing of coatings and nano-energetics materials. He is funded by DOD, NSF, NIH, NIH, NASA, SBIR programs, and industries.

He has more than 450 journal papers, books and h index = 108. He has more than 85 issued patents and his technology is responsible for various startups.

Guests and participants of the conference “To Poland for Science”
PAS Vice President Prof. Natalia Sobczak, Prof. Sudipta Seal, Dr. Mohammad Ali Haghighat Bayan and Dr. Magdalena Bartolewska