Adenomyosis – a female disease similar to endometriosis

What are the symptoms of adenomyosis? How can we improve the diagnostic process and treatment? Researchers form the PAS Institute of Animal Reproduction and Food Research provided answers to these questions. Read more

Nanofibers – smart drug carriers

Researchers from the Center for Polymer and Carbon Materials of the Polish Academy of Sciences and the Medical University of Silesia have developed a new drug delivery system. Read more

Europe acts together to fight climate change

On May 15-16, the European Climate Conference will be held in Warsaw with the participation of over 100 scientists from 46 countries in Europe and Asia. Read more

Actions and plans for the benefit of Ukrainian scientific community

On April 3-4, the Polish National Agency for Academic Exchange (NAWA) held the conference “Focus on Ukraine”. The aim of the meeting was to reflect on the activities undertaken so far for the benefit of the Ukrainian academic community. Read more
