Three men standing

National Science Center Award for a researcher from the Polish Young Academy

Dr hab. Michał Bogdziewicz is the laureate of this year’s National Science Center Award. He was appreciated for his groundbreaking research into the ecology of tree reproduction within the context of climate change.

Dr hab. Michał Bogdziewicz won the Read more


Charge mosaics and electrostatic discharge

What generates the screeching sound heard during peeling the adhesive tape? This is due to the sequences of “sparks” created between delaminating materials. The recent research results presented by the PAS Institute of Organic Chemistry may help control the Read more

Na zdjęciu widoczne ukraińskie redaktorki naukowe podczas spotkania

Workshop for Ukrainian scientific editors

How to raise the visibility of articles in international science databases? How to make research findings more available and compelling to the general public? The Elsevier company, in cooperation with the Polish Academy of Sciences, provided training for scientific Read more

Heat wave of extreme sun and sky background

Evolution, human migration and vitamin D deficiency

When did organisms learn to synthesize vitamin D? How did its functions change throughout our evolution? How did the changes affect the entire Homo sapiens species? Professor Carsten Carlberg, a world-class vitamin D expert, writes about it in his Read more


Scientists can predict when bears will raid beehives

Thanks to satellite images, it is possible to predict when bears will have little food in the forest. Then the risk of bear damages on apiaries increases even 13 times. The latest findings of scientists from the PAS Institute Read more


PAS and Taiwan cooperation

The authorities of the Polish Academy of Sciences met with the representatives of Taiwanese scientists during 2022 Taiwan-Poland Higher Education Forum. Its participants talked about scholarship program for Ukrainian researchers and future academic and scientific cooperation between the two Read more


Position Statement No. 32: What can be done to prevent a tragedy from occurring again in the fall of 2022?

“The COVID-19 epidemic and SARS-CoV-2 have not disappeared, but they have changed. We must adapt to these changes. Pretending that the problem is gone and keeping up the illusion that ‘we will get by somehow’ are reprehensible” – scientists Read more


A future for Ukrainian science

Science magazine has recently published an editorial coauthored by the presidents of three national science academies of Ukraine, Poland and the U.S. The leading article is an outcome of the meeting at the Polish Academy of Sciences during which Read more


International science academies support Ukrainian science and researchers

On the initiative of the Polish Academy of Sciences, on June 2, presidents of the leading international academies of sciences came to Warsaw. They discussed how to continue supporting scientists from Ukraine. The result of the meeting is a Read more


Chronicles of a Pandemic 2020–2021

“Chronicles of a Pandemic” is a collection of 27 posts and a calendar prepared by the Interdisciplinary Advisory Team on COVID-19 to the President of the Polish Academy of Sciences. The team substantively reported on the course of the Read more


Position Statement No. 31: Is it significant that the end of the pandemic in Poland was announced on April Fool’s Day?

“Having a lack of monitoring will be like switching off a building’s fire detectors – we could end up blindly facing the next wave of infections, and only intensive care units quickly filling up will alert us that we Read more


Position Statement No. 30: Now We Are Together

“In a humanitarian and refugee crisis, it becomes all the more urgent to provide the best possible protection against diseases, including COVID-19. Many people are and will be helping refugees from Ukraine, working in direct contact with large groups Read more


Position Statement No. 29: Low vaccination rates in Poland are harming the economy

With the MDDV principle (mask, distance, disinfection, and ventilation) often being ignored, the low vaccination rate of Poland’s population is hitting the Polish economy. The epidemic we are currently facing is likely to die out soon. However, it will Read more


Position Statement No. 28: Omikron strikes – save yourself and your country

“It is high time to stop thinking that we still do not know much about SARS-CoV-2 or vaccines. COVID-19 is one of the best-studied infectious diseases in the history of medicine, and the vaccine against this disease is the Read more


Position Statement No. 27: Omicron is a threat to each one of us

The risk of infection can be reduced with a booster dose of the mRNA vaccine, whose  protective effect begins after about two weeks. In a recent position statement, the interdisciplinary COVID-19 Advisory Team to the President of the Polish Read more


Position Statement 26: What we can learn from those who have responded best to the pandemic?

Our health in the time of an epidemic largely depends on our behavior – the decisions made by government officials and people’s readiness to comply with restrictions.

Our country is now seeing several hundred deaths a day, and yet Read more


Position Statement No. 25: Omicron – a new variant of SARS-CoV-2

According to recent reports, a new and potentially dangerous variant of the SARS-CoV-2 virus named Omicron (variant B.1.1.529) has been discovered. The European Commission is considering banning flights to the countries where this variant has appeared. Some countries, including Read more


Position Statement No. 24: Appeal of the COVID-19 Advisory Team to the President of the Polish Academy of Sciences urging booster vaccinations

In confrontation with the fourth wave of COVID-19 infections in Poland, each of us has been left to our own devices. In this situation, we are making an urgent appeal to all those who have previously shown responsibility and Read more


Position Statement No. 23: COVID-19 Across Borders – Joint Statement of the COVID-19 teams of the Polish Academy of Sciences and the National Academy of Sciences of Ukraine

The virus knows no borders. The COVID-19 pandemic has highlighted the need to take action for the sake of the health and common safety of neighboring countries. Herein we consider the observed similarities and differences in how the pandemic Read more


Position Statement No. 22: A third dose – is the third time indeed the charm?

“There is no doubt that over time humanity will win the battle against SARS-CoV-2, but we must all do our best to do so at the lowest possible cost. Therefore, we should protect the lives of seniors by offering Read more


Position Statement No. 21: Broader data access crucial for the fight against the pandemic to be effective

Data should be harnessed more broadly not only by decision-makers but also by researchers – the more quality data is available, the more likely the phenomena under study will be properly understood. Amid an epidemic crisis that can only Read more


Position Statement No. 20: A call for urgent and consistent implementation of VMT procedures in schools – ventilation, masks, testing

The campaign to vaccinate school-aged children is not slated to intensify until the third week of September, which means that its effects will make themselves felt near the end of November. In the absence of a vaccine approved for Read more


Position Statement No. 19: A voice on the issue of mandatory SARS-CoV-2 vaccinations

Vaccinations are an essential tool to effectively and safely limit the spread of COVID-19, its consequences, and its costs. For this reason, it is necessary to urgently consider introducing mandatory vaccinations for selected groups and in selected situations.

Over Read more


Position Statement No. 18: Public communication during the pandemic – transparency and responsibility

We call for the establishment of an institution in Poland whose role would involve constantly monitoring impending health threats, communicating them to the public, and providing information about how to address them. The institution should have a multidisciplinary team Read more


Position Statement No. 17: An appeal regarding the upcoming 2021–2022 school year

We call for the vaccination of school children, mandatory vaccinations for school staff, and the observance of the rules concerning distance, disinfection, and masks (DDM). This is the only way to avoid remote learning in the 2021–2022 school year.

Read more
